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Recolored 1.01(siyah beyaz resimleri renklendirin)

Bu programla Siyah beyaz çekilmiş eski resimlerinizi renklendirebiliyorsunuz.

Colorization of black and white photos
Perhaps the most exiting application of Recolored lies with adding color to old black and white photos, through a process called colorization. This process has traditionally been done by hand, requiring great skill and patience to achieve good results. Recolored gives anyone r12; from computer novice to expert graphical designer r12; the chance to achieve professional looking results with little effort.

Recolored 1.01(siyah beyaz resimleri renklendirin)


What is it?

interPoser Professional Edition is a Cinema 4D plugin suite that imports Poser content and scenes adding the ability to texture, pose, morph, and animate the content directly within Cinema 4D.

Importation Features:

* Geometry.
* Texture image files with Poser 4/ProPack-level material support.
* Props, Prop hair, Cameras, and Lights (infinite and spot).
* Fully rigged and weighted Figures using Poser-style deformations.
* Pose application: pose, animated, MAT, MOR, Inj/Rem, etc.
* Morphs
* Master-slave controls: FBM, PBM, JCM, ERC, etc.
* Parenting and smartparenting.
* Conforming
* Figure locking, JP bulge controls, pose & morph symmetry, body part visibility, including other actions and controls.
* Body Part locking, JP bulge controls, dials, including other actions and controls.

Basic Features:

* Plugin Suite:
o Main dialog for import and preferences.
o Objects and tags for live Poser content support.
o Tool for interactive posing and animating.
* Basic Cinema 4D Polygon object conforming to Poser Figures.
* Cinema 4D Network Client render-able.


Advanced File Lock 5.0.2665.38614

Dosyalarınızı kilitlryin yada gizleyin.
Instantly locks or hides any file using a password with a click. Once a file is locked,or hidden, it cannot be read or used by anyone until it is unlocked or shown again.

Advanced File Lock 5.0.2665.38614

Sketch Master 4.7


Sketch Master 4.7

This is a tool to convert a photograph to excellent sketch,
and paint water color freehandly, the usage is very simple.
It can satisfy your demand. The pictures that it processed are similar to freehand.
Even using for the first time also is convenient, absolute worthy of use.

Digital Frontiers Boomerang 1.0.5

Lost data? Boomerang can bring it back! Boomerang tackles any type of recovery, including deleted files, lost or damaged partitions, RAID volumes, camera/flash cards... almost anything! Boomerang is the result of years or research and refinement and is the best choice for getting your data back quickly and affordably. Boomerang supports FAT & NTFS volumes all in a single product, including the new Windows Vista!

* Deleted Files (undelete)
* Ghosted Volumes
* Lost Partitions
* RAID Systems (Multi-Disk Arrays)
* Formatted Drives
* Photos & Files on Flash Cards
* Even drives that no longer mount!

Digital Frontiers Boomerang 1.0.5

Child Control 2007 9.328.0.0

Child Control programı bir bilgisayar kontrol ve yönetme programıdır. Program çocuk kontrol paneli üzerine kurulmuştur. Bu çocuk kontrol paneli sayesinde çocuğunuzun evdeki kişisel bilgisayarınızın kullanım sorumluluğunu olanaklı kılan bir özelliği bulunuyor. Çocuk kontrolünün kişisel bilgisayarınızı değişikliklere, önemli ayarlamalara karşı nasıl koruyacağı, makinenin günde ne kadar kullanılacağına ya da çocuğunuzun bilgisayar önünde günde ne kadar vakit geçireceğine ilişkin ayarlama yapmanıza olanak sağlıyor.

Programın Özellikleri
* Program tüm Windows sürümlerinde çalışmaktadır.
* Bilgisayara erişim verilen kullanıcıları sınırlar.
* Günlük ya da haftalık internet zaman limitlerini sınırlar
* Anahtar kelimelerle istenmeyen internet içeriklerini sınırlar.
* Zaman sınırlamaları her bir EXE dosyası için ayrı ayrı yapılabilir.
* En önemli sistem ayarlamalarını engeller (kimsenin ulaşmaması için).
* Gizlilik modu: Programı kullanıcılar için görünmez yapar.
* Algılayıcı listesi – Çocuğunuza hangi programları kullanması için izin verildiyse o kadarına izin verir sınırlar.
* E–Posta bildirisi: İşteyken evdeki bilgisayarda neler oluyor görebilirsiniz.
* Crack (Kırılmış) – Güvenliği: Fareye tıklayarak tüm arka kapılar kolayca engellenebilir.
* Ayarlamaları diğer bilgisayarlarla paylaşmak için kolay alma – verme işlevi
* Kullanıcı, kullanılan zaman, limit ve kalan zaman için kesin bilgileri sunar.
* Tüm çalışma guruplarını destekler.
* İstenmeyen web sayfalarını (Örnek; porno, dosya paylaşımı, chat ve benzeri) engeller.
* Bilgisayarı kilitleyerek kullanıma kapatır.
* İstediğiniz oyunların belli saatler içerisinde oynanmasını sağlar.

Computers are the place for children. This is the place where they can sharpen their agility as well as their abilities. They can learn and make new friends. What’s more, the Internet provides information for homework assignments. So far, so good. But they also need to be protected from the computer—for one thing, so that they don’t lose their sense of time and forget to go out and play with their friends once in a while, and for another, because of the dangers lurking on the Web. That’s why responsible parents everywhere install Child Control on every computer that their children use.

Child Control 2007 9.328.0.

Disaster Dock Icons

Disaster Dock Icons by fyton5
15 icons | .png only | 128x128

Chicken Chase

Feeling clucky? The family's chicken farm is perched on the doorstep of foreclosure. If you can solve a series of missions, you will earn enough money to upgrade the farm little by little. Prove your chicken-hood by looking after your brood, hatching eggs, selling chickens, fending off ravens, and more. Spend your money wisely to gain some useful tools. With some hard work and a little cluck, you just might save the farm. It's finger clickin' good!

PuTTY v0.60

Telnet ve SSH bağlantılarınızı sağlayan kullanışlı bir program.

Sadece 220 Kb yer kaplayan PuTTy, sisteme kurulum gerektirmiyor. Tek bir dosyadan oluşan programla bağlantı arayüzünüzü değiştirebilir (font, arkaplan vs.), bağlantı yaptığınız makinaların listesini kaydedebilir ve kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz...

PuTTY is a very useful tool, a small freeware implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator.

SSH, Telnet and Rlogin are three ways of doing the same thing: logging in to a multi-user computer from another computer, over a network.

Multi-user operating systems, such as Unix and VMS, usually present a command-line interface to the user, much like the `Command Prompt' or `MS-DOS Prompt' in Windows. The system prints a prompt, and you type commands which the system will obey.

Using this type of interface, there is no need for you to be sitting at the same machine you are typing commands to. The commands, and responses, can be sent over a network, so you can sit at one computer and give commands to another one, or even to more than one.

SSH, Telnet and Rlogin are _network protocols_ that allow you to do this. On the computer you sit at, you run a _client_, which makes a network connection to the other computer (the _server_). The network connection carries your keystrokes and commands from the client to the server, and carries the server's responses back to you.

These protocols can also be used for other types of keyboard-based interactive session. In particular, there are a lot of bulletin boards, talker systems and MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons) which support access using Telnet. There are even a few that support SSH


Ringtone Media Studio 2.20

Telefonunuzu media kutusuna çevirmek istiyorsanız ideal bir program...Bilgisayardan yapmış olduğunuz,resim,müzik,tema vb.işlerinizi artık ringtone medıa studio yönetecek... ÖZELLİKLERİ:ringtone media studio, ringtone software, ringtone editor, cd ripper, ringtone composer, ring tone, ringtones, free ringtones, music editor, audio editor, wallpaper, cell phone, mobile phone, mobile media, image editor, video editor ...

Make your own ringtones from your own CDs and MP3s. Ringtone Media Studio gives you the tools to personalize your cell phone with your own creations. Ringtones, wallpaper and mobile videos. Transfer digital media to your phone a single click. No cables requred!
Melody Studio

Create your own polyphonic or real music ringtones and transfer them to your mobile phone.
Image Studio

Create your own wallpaper from your favorite photos, or capture a piece of your PC screen and turn it into wallpaper.
Video Studio

Edit your favorite video clips and add text or special effects, then transfer your creations to your mobile phone.

Ringtone Media Studio includes three complete editing studios all in one plus...

Ringtone Media Studio 2.20

ElcomSoft DreamPack 2008

ElcomSoft DreamPack:
Advanced Access Password Recovery 2.5 : Serial
Advanced ACT! Password Recovery 2.35 : Serial
Advanced Archive Password Recovery 3.01 : Serial
Advanced ARJ Password Recovery 2.0 : Serial
Advanced Disk Catalog 1.51 : Serial
Advanced eBook Explorer 1.1 : FreeWare
Advanced eBook Inscriber 1.0 : Serial
Advanced eBook Processor 2.2 : Serial
Advanced EFS Data Recovery 3.3 : Serial
Advanced IE Password Recovery 1.20 : Serial
Advanced Instant Messengers Password Recovery 3.60 : Serial
Advanced Intuit Password Recovery 2.00 : Serial
Advanced Lotus Password Recovery 2.0 : Serial
Advanced Mailbox Password Recovery 1.9 : Serial
Advanced NT Security Explorer 2.0 : Serial
Advanced Office Password Breaker 1.40 : Serial
Advanced Office Password Recovery 4.0 Professional : Serial
Advanced Outlook Express Password Recovery 1.20 : Serial
Advanced Outlook Password Recovery 1.34 : Serial
Advanced PDF Password Recovery 1.32 : Serial
Advanced PDF Password Recovery 1.60 : Serial
Advanced PDF Password Recovery Professional 1.00 : Serial
Advanced PDF Password Recovery Professional 2.21 : Serial
Advanced PDF Password Recovery Professional 3.10 : Serial
Advanced PDF Password Recovery Professional 4.00 : Serial
Advanced QuickBooks Password Recovery 1.07 : Serial
Advanced RAR Password Recovery 1.53 : Serial
Advanced Registry Tracer 2.11 : Serial
Advanced VBA Password Recovery 1.62 : Serial
Advanced Windows Password Recovery 3.51 : Serial
Advanced WordPerfect Office Password Recovery 1.30 : Serial
Advanced ZIP Password Recovery 4.0 : Serial
Distributed Password Recovery 1.4.66 : Serial
Distributed Password Recovery 2.0.111 : Crack
Proactive Security Auditor 1.0.15 : FreeWare
Proactive Password Auditor 1.70 : Serial
Proactive Password Auditor 1.70 private build : Retail
Proactive System Password Recovery 5.2 : Serial
System Recovery : Basic


Formattan sonra kullanılacak 48 program AIO(hepsi birarada) .EXE şeklinde

İşte bilgisayarı formatladıktan sonra kullanılacak tam 48 adet full yazılım... Hepsi kendinden otomatik crack'li; paylaşımın yapılmış olduğu 26.09.2008 tarihi itibarıyla en son sürümlerdir. Sadece kurulmasını istediğiniz yazılımları seçip "Yükle" butonunu tıklatmanız yeterli olacaktır.


Longtion Software AutoRun Pro Enterprise II + Keygen

AutoRun Pro ile oluşturduğunuz CD'lerin otomatik açılmasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Herhangi bir bilgisayar oyununun CD'sini CD-ROM'unuza taktığınız zaman, hiçbir tuşa basmadan otomatik olarak karşınıza; kur (install), kaldır (uninstall), yardım (help), çıkış (quit) gibi seçenekler çıkar. Siz de CD/DVD'lerinize bu tip özellikler eklemek istiyorsanız, AutoRun gibi üstün özelliklere sahip bir yazılımı kullanmalısınız. Bu sayede oluşturduğunuz CD/DVD'leri CD-ROM'a taktığınızda hiçbir işlem yapmadan otomatik olarak karşınıza oluşturduğunuz resim, müzik, menü vb. gelecektir. Keygen mevcuttur.

- Program her türlü formatı (*.EXE, *.PDF, *.PPS, *.HTM, *.MPG vb.) standart görüntüleyicilerinde (örneğin; *.PDF formatını Acrobat Reader'da) açabilir.
- Programla slayt gösterileri oluşturabilir, müzik ekleyebilir ve/veya istediğiniz resimleri koyabilirsiniz.
- Program hemen hemen her türlü resim formatlarını destekler.
- Yazı pencerelerinde 5.000 karaktere kadar yazma izni verir.
- Programla CD-ROM simgesini belirleyebilirsiniz.

Boyut: 14,5 MB


Agloco Chile


Ahora mismo es el mejor momento para unirte a Agloco...

La comunidad de Agloco está creciendo a un ritmo exponencial, es realmente impresionante. Piensa en lo siguiente: en este mismo momento se están apuntando más personas que hace 15 días, y menos personas de las que se apuntarán dentro de 15 días más.

Y éste es un dato muy importante: si te apuntas hoy, estás a tiempo de conseguir una buena cantidad de referidos. El mejor reclutador, el anónimo señor X, lleva 31.833 nuevos miembros reclutados, y quien le sigue, David Lawrence, lleva 29.040 referidos...

¿Por qué ponernos metas sencillas? ¿Por qué poner barreras a nuestros sueños? Si por cada 5 referidos que consigas se duplicarán tus ingresos.. ¿cuántos referidos quieres tú?

Así que, si cada día se apunta más y más gente... ¡Te puede tocar una buena porción! Sólo depende de ti comenzar cuanto antes para obtener tu buen trozo de pastel.

Apúntate a Agloco y busca nuevos referidos antes de que otro lo haga por ti...

Y te dejo una guía muy útil para que te des de alta, por si las moscas, porque la página está en inglés... PINCHA AQUI


Puede que nunca hayas oído sobre Agloco por ahí... Pues luego lo escucharás y yo te diré por qué deberías apuntarte ahora:

  1. Agloco es el renacimiento de AllAdvantage, que en su momento pagó más de US$100.000.000 a sus miembros (parte de los creadores de Agloco son los mismos de AllAdvantage)
  2. Agloco es absolutamente gratis, no te costará nada, jamás
  3. La Viewbar de Agloco te irá mostrando anuncios que se ajusten a tu perfil mientras navegas por internet. Los anunciantes le pagan a Agloco por hacerte llegar estos anuncios, y Agloco te devuelve este dinero a ti.
  4. Agloco te paga por cada hora de navegación que tienes la Viewbar activa (con un tope de 5 horas al mes).
  5. Agloco te paga por cada hora de navegación que tus referidos hacen con la Viewbar activa (nuevamnete con un máximo de 5 horas al mes).
  6. Desde que comiences a utilizar la Viewbar, cada mes recibirás un cheque por correo.
  7. Una vez que te des de alta recibirás tu propio link para hacer referidos, para que tus amigos puedan darse de alta y sean referidos tuyos.
  8. Por cada 5 referidos tuyos que se den de alta en Agloco duplicarás tus ingresos.
Pues, ahora que ya sabes un poco más sobre Agloco y como ves que no pierdes nada con probarlo, puedes darte de alta AQUI.

Importante: El sitio de Agloco está en inglés, así que aquí te dejo una guía para darte de alta, por si las moscas...


Como el sitio de Agloco está en inglés, les dejo una guía sobre cómo deben ser llenados los campos necesarios ¡Espero que esto les ayude!

Como ves en la imagen, llena los campos con tu Nombre, Apellido, e-mail, Ciudad, Estado (poner 'None' si no aplica), Código Postal (poner 'None' si no aplica) y País. Luego escribes el código de verificación (que aparece un poco distorsionado en color verde) en el recuadro mostrado.
Aceptas los términos del servicio y clicas en "Click here to Join".

Luego recibirás un mail de Agloco, en donde deberás activar el alta. Si notas que el correo no ha llegado al poco tiempo, revisa tu carpeta de SPAM por si estuviera allí.
Dentro del mail (que también está en inglés), busca el siguiente texto:
To complete your Agloco registration, click on the link below

Pincha en ese link y tu cuenta quedará activada. El password para entar a tu cuenta es el que figura en la siguiente linea del mail:
Your password is : XXXXXX

Una vez dentro de tu cuenta podrás cambiarlo por el password que quieras.

Es Fácil, no? Entonces, ¿a qué estás esperando? Únete ya


40 razones por las que deberías unirte a AGLOCO
Por Michael H. Lewis

1. Puedes hacer dinero de manera segura, legítima y fácil.
2. El alta toma sólo 3 minutos.
3. No necesitas nada más que un ordenador conectado a Internet.
4. No tienes que ingresar información sensitiva.
5. No tienes que comprar nada para unirte.
6. No tienes que comprar nada una vez que te has convertido en un miembro.
7. Es fácil pedir la baja si no quieres seguir siendo miembro.
8. Sólo tienes que descargar una barra, pequeña y gratuita (llamada viewbar), que no instalará nada más que eso en tu ordenador.
9. Harás la misma cantidad de dinero por sólo navegar, incluso sin hacer click en nada.
10. Agloco es una posibilidad real. No es una farsa. Una búsqueda en Google de Agloco arroja más de 1 millón de páginas con resultados.
11. Muy importate: El modelo de negocio de Agloco ha sido probado anteriormente y funciona. El predecesor de Agloco pagó casi 120 millones a sus miembros (esto es lo que terminó por convencerme).
12. Podrías incrementar dramáticamente tus ingresos al buscar otras personas que se unan a Agloco, porque Agloco te paga a ti una parte de el dinero ganado por tus referidos al navegar, hasta 5 niveles.
13. ... Agloco te paga una parte del dinero ganado por aquellos a los que referiste hasta 5 niveles después de ti. Así...
14. ... Puedes reclutar a tus amigos y todos podrán hacer dinero si les ayudas a conseguir nuevos referidos. De esta manera,
15. Mientras antes te des de alta, más gente vendrá a ti pidiendo información, por lo que podrías ser la raíz de una gran red de copntactos en tu comunidad.
16. Jamás tendrás que leer emails de gente que no conoces.
17. Nunca se te pedirá que envies emails a gente que no conoces.
18. No tienes que cambiar nada de lo que normalmemte haces en Internet. Tú navegas, Agloco paga.
19. La fuente de retornos de Agloco es genuina: la viewbar que utilizas te mostrará publicidad e información basada en tu historial de navegación, mientras que el dinero que pagan para mostrarte esa publicidad es devuelto a los miembros. No es magia, es sentido común.
20. El viewbar que descargarás no invade tu privacidad; simplemente busca palabras clave en las páginas que visitas, para así mostrarte publicidad relacionada con tus intereses en internet.
21. La viewbar es del tamaño de la barra de tareas del fondo de tu pantalla - en otras palabras, es pequeña y no interferirá con tu navegación
22. Agloco tiene una cuidadosa política de privacidad que explícitammete garantiza que tu información personal jamás será vendida o entregada de ninguna manera.
23. De hecho, Agloco tiene no sólo 1 sino 3 acuerdos con los que cada miembro debe cumplir. 24. Agloco tiene un jefe encargado de la privacidad, cuya responsabilidad es asegurar que tu privacidad jamás sea violada.
25. Agloco no es un juego; todo aquel que entregue información falsa, se dé de alta dos veces, etc, será detectado por el sistema anti-hacking de Agloco.
26. Al darte de alta ayudas a que la compañía pueda cobrar por anunciar en interent, lo que es mejor para todos.
27. Al darte de alta, obtienes una parte de la compañía que cobrará por anunciar en internet. Agloco pertenece a sus miembros, lo que es decir que...
28. ... tú poseerás acciones (y más si refieres a gente) en una compañía que probablemente se vuelva grande, por lo que tus acciones valdrán mucho cuando Agloco se vuelva pública en la bolsa de Londres.
29. Probablemente encontrarás que otros miembros de Agloco, especialmente ahora en las primeras etapas de Agloco, tienen páginas web en donde puedes aprender mucho para conseguir nuevos miembros.
30. Estarás en la cima del desarrollo web, lo que significa que mientras Agloco crece, sus miembros se beneficiarán de ...
31. ... descuentos cuando otros miembros compren productos a las compañias afiliadas con Agloco
32. ... posiblemente ayudes con protección spyware/antivirus
33. ... foros de la comunidad de Agloco en donde los miembros podrán intercambiar experiencias para hacer de Agloco una compañía mejor
34. Nuestra compañía está en muy buenas manos. Agloco para al 10% de sus ganancias a sus administradores, quienes son responsables de hacer que Agloco funciones. Además, el 10% de las acciones de Agloco irá en beneficio de una fundación dedicada a proveer acceso a interent a cada ser humano.
35. Los directivos de Agloco no poseerán aciones de la empresa. Esto asegura que aquellos con cargos de lata responsabilidad no se tomen la compañia.
36. Como las circunstancias pueden variar, puedes obtener tu dinero sin importar el lugar de la Tierra en que vivas.
37. si quieres puedes donar tus ganancias y compartirlas con la organización de caridad que desees.
38. Si te dedicas a conseguir nuevos referidos, incluso podrías dejar tu trabajo y pasar tiempo en casa, con tu familia, de vacacones donde quieras y seguir ganando dinero
39. Si Agloco fallara, no perderás nada de dinero porque no pagas nada.
40. Agloco no fallará. La ultima vez que una oportunidad como esta existió, la gente hizo más de $120 millones de dólares en un momento que mucha menos gente tenía acceso a internet y las consiciones no eran las mejores para que una compañía de este tipo se hiciese pública. Ahora el mundo está mejor preparado para una Red Económica de este tipo.

Ahora, si no eres aún un mieMbro, después de todo lo que te he dicho...

¿vas o no vas a darte de alta?



La Viewbar es una pequeña barra de herramientas que se ubicará en el fondo de nuestra pantalla o ventana del navegador mientras navegamos por Internet. El software Viewbar permite que Agloco reúna el dinero que vas ganando mientras navegas por Internet.

La Viewbar rastrea información sobre tus intereses y preferencias en Internet, y utiliza esta información para hacerte llegar los anuncios que más se adapten a tu perfil. Dado que la privacidad es un elemento primordial de Agloco, Viewbar se comunica de manera segura con los servidores de la compañía para asegurar que tu información siga siendo privada.

La Viewbar no es un spyware. A diferencia de un spyware, esta barra de herramientas mantiene tu información privada bajo tu consentimiento. Y siempre puedes cerrarla con un simple click.

Agloco Slovenija

AGLOCO™ - zaslužite z brskanjem po internetu!

Ste na pragu močnega koraka naprej v internetni evoluciji. Pomislite. Ali ste pripravljeni izpustiti to priložnost?

Kaj je AGLOCO?

AGLOCO je nova spletna stran, ki bo svojim uporabnikom (tebi) posredovala dobiček, ki ga pridobi z oglaševanjem na tvojem računalniku.

Kako bom jaz zaslužil?
Ob prijavi si inštaliraš orodno vrstico. To je glavno orodje AGLOCO, kjer bodo prikazovani tekstovni oglasi, iskalniški okenček in ostale funkcije. *Viewbar bo izdan v nekaj tednih.*

Plačan boš na mesečni ravni, glede na to, koliko ur si surfal (trenutno največ 5).

Kako bom dobil denar?
Po pošti boš dobil ček, ki bo pisan na tvoje ime.

Ali AGLOCO prikazuje pop-upe?
Ne, nikakršnih popup-ov ali drugih oblik motečih oglasov, vse kar bo Viewbar prikazoval med surfanjem so tekstovni oglasi.

Kako bo pa AGLOCO dobil denar?
Na mnogo načinov, eden izmed teh so že omenjeni tekstovni oglasi v orodni vrstici. Tu imamo še provizije za posredovanje iskanj v iskalnike (Google plačuje tudi do 0,10$ za vsako iskanje posredovano k njim), posredniške provizije za nakupe v trgovinah (npr. Amazon) in nalaganju programov (Skype, eBay, PayPal plačujejo za posredovanje novih uporabnikov).

Ali bom obogatel z AGLOCO?
Ne. Z AGLOCOm ne boš mogel kupiti novega BMWja ali jahte. Za večino bo to le dodatni zaslužek v obliki brezplačnih letnih počitnic ali mesečnega kosila.Tvoji prijatelji v mreži AGLOCO

Kako lahko zaslužim več?
AGLOCO dodatno nagradi vse tiste, ki pripeljejo nove uporabnike. Povej svojim prijateljem in znancem, zakaj naj se pridružijo in promovirajo AGLOCO. Več kot boš imel uporabnikov v svoji mreži, večji bodo tvoji potencialni prihodki.

Kako pa vem, da AGLOCO ni denarna piramida?
Denarne piramide temeljijo na vplačilih novih uporabnikov in so brez smiselnega poslovnega modela. AGLOCO je brezplačen, poslovni model pa je odlično izoblikovan in ga lahko v podrobnosti spoznaš tukaj.

Pridruži se sedaj in bodi udeležen v dobičkih, ki se ustvarjajo na internetu!

Popolnoma brezplačno!

Need For Extreme 3.2

Need For Extreme screenshot
The game Need For Extreme presents a breathtaking variety of arcade races. You drive a racing car and your task is to finish first. Thirst for speed and danger makes the game more captivating. You are to take a new route full of obstacles in a limited period of time at each level. The obstacles reduce the speed, skid your car or cause a car crash. The opponents' cars will stand in your way. The speed of your car reduces if you take an earth road. You can pick up such bonuses as life, scores, speed, and a gun.

Join your counterparts from all over the world and beat your best score! If your score is among the Top 10, you can upload it to our Web site and thousands of other players all over the world will be able to see your highscore! Are you up for the challenge? Download Need For Extreme and Play for Free!

Visit homepage of Need For Extreme

Download Need For Extreme 3.2

Daemon Tools V4.0.9

It was updated Daemon Tools - the emulator of CD/DVD of disks. The program allows to take an image of a disk, the image can be made in many programs intended for work from CD/DVD. This new version is delivered together with just let out new driver SPTD from which the computer and very much speed of work does not hang any more.
Size: 1.70 MB

Sharp World Clock v1.32

Sharp World Clock - the program shows not only time in various points of the ground, but also can improve your knowledge in geography (frontiers, city positions, flags). Sunrise, a sunset, a lunar phase and characteristics displays. Demands presence Microsoft .Net Framework.

Size: 3.85 MB

Tetris Extreme 1.0 screenshot

Tetris Extreme screenshot
This is a FREE Tetris game download, so be sure and tell your friends to stop on by and download Tetris. The scores on this game allow you to play Tetris online against your friends. See who can get the high score.

Visit homepage of Tetris Extreme

Download Tetris Extreme 1.0

Save Flash v3.0.69

Save Flash is built in in Internet Explorer тoolbar, allowing designers and it is simple to fans flash animations to keep the liked
information. In the further the user at any moment can see again the kept file together with a sound. Advantage Save Flash
consist in an opportunity of preservation any flash animations on the Internet simple klic a mousy. Save Flash keeps
flash-games, cards, banners, cartoon films and presentations.

Size: 637 KB

ArcSoft Cut-It-Out™ v1.0.0.3 for photoshop

ArcSoft Cut-It-Out™ is a plug-in for Adobe® Photoshop® that allows users to separate objects in digital photos from their backgrounds, creating a mask.
Similar in functionality to Photoshop's Extract command, Cut-It-Out offers superior speed and accuracy in selecting object details from image backgrounds. Cut-It-Out has an easy to use interface that provides quick, excellent precision and options for fine-tuning the object extraction.

Size:~1.14 MB

Mozilla Thunderbird v2.0.0

It was updated Mozilla Thunderbird - the multiplatform post client constructed with application of the basic opportunities of popular browser Mozilla and whom the web-browser can be used together with any. The program possesses adjusted panels, the simple user interface and the expanded opportunities on management. In version 2.0 processing of letters is improved, the graphic cursor of the program is modified, work with folders is improved, new tools and opportunities are added, various mistakes are corrected.

Size: 6.94 MB

Mario Forever Review

So are you looking for a good Super Mario Bros?!
clone for your computer? Do you want to fight King Bowser Koopa in 2D, without emulation of the old consoles? Or do you like extreme challenges in a platformer game? Then this game is too good for you. Mario Forever v3.51 is the your best choice if you want a good Mario clone, filled to the brim with secrets. Also, a fun mini-game, Mario Minix, is included in this game too. And everything is the hard work of Buziol Games Software. Good job!

Click to start download.

Urbagility 2 ReviewWhat is Urbagility 2?
Urbagility 2 (UG2 for short) is a splendid platform shooting game made by Buziol Games Software. It includes two types of game, the adventure game and the survival mini-game. In the adventure game you should go through stages, survive the attacking enemy swarms and fight bosses all the way to the end. In the survival game you have to fight enemies to get the the highest score you can.

The adventure game
The whole game revolves around killing enemies and collecting fruits. We have twelve different weapon to deal with, from the simple fireball to the biggest blast ever seen. Also there is a weapon which can help you to reach well hidden bonuses. There are 28 levels, where 22 are skillfully made "get-through" levels, two are cool survival levels and four of them are boss fight stages. On some levels you have to face with special challenges like dodging boulders and being chased by a ghost. On survival levels you have to survive the enemies by killing them during a given time. There are swamp-like, haunted house, cave and garden type worlds you must get through if you want to complete the game. The first world has ten levels, while the rest worlds have six each. On the last level of each world you must fight a blob-like boss. Also, between the levels, you can visit Ugluk's shop to buy some ammo, lives, weapon upgrades, and to save the game for your collected points. You can play the game on three difficulty settings. On easy setting the enemies only require few hits with your basic weapon to be killed. On hard setting the enemies are harder to get rid of, and you have less lives and ammo. And on bydo setting, the enemies don't just take a lot of hits to destroy, more, harder enemies appear, and more fruits, as well.

Click to start download.

Click to start download WinRAR.

Yahoo! Widget Engine v4.0.170

Yahoo! Widget Engine - the free-of-charge program for an ornament and improvement of the Desktop by set modern with good things. Yahoo! Widget Engine allows to add various additional functionalities for the Desktop. For example, it is possible to add a window of weather forecast, RSS news, chronology of loading of the central processor, to organize check of e-mail, hours, a calendar, various toys and many other things.Yahoo! Widget Engine represents the multipurpose graphic environment written on JavaScript, allowing to start small appendices (Widgets) which increase the general functionality of operational system and considerably facilitate a life to the user...
For Yahoo! Widget Engine many other things is written already nearby 2000 виджетов which will approach for all occasions - check of mail, вебкамеры, пингование a site, generator Haiku, the indicator of loading of the processor, RSS-agregators, a card of the world, the counter of free physical and virtual memory of a computer, the personal weather forecaster, an organizer, operative data from the largest world stock exchanges, a calendar and much much much more things.

Size: 11.60 MB

Azureus v3.0.0.9
altAzureus is a Java based BitTorrent client that offers multiple torrent downloads, queuing/priority systems (on torrents and files), start/stop seeding options and instant access to numerous pieces of information about your torrents.
Azureus is a BitTorrent client with multiple torrent downloads and instant access to information.
Azureus also features an embedded tracker that is easily set up and ready to use.

Size:~7.74 MB

Mario Forever
Try one of the best "free" mario games the internet has to offer.

File size : 14 Mb
Urbagility 2
The newest platform game from Buziol Games Software. Entera world filled with enemies, colorful bonuses, and amazing levels! with 10 brilliant weapons to choose from and many evil baddies. Just taste it!

File size : 26 Mb
Myster Muszel
A Brillant classic platformer. Enter into the world of myster Muszel, full of mysterious worlds, enemies and power ups. Collect magic gems that will allow our Hero to return to his homeland.

File size : 5 Mb
Mario Tag Play!
Just a party game for 2-3 players. Warninng it is very addictive and you and your friends will find it hard to stop playing!

File size : 3.2 Mb
My first arcanoid game. A very pleasant game. I would like you to test it.

File size : 2.6 Mb

Neon Icons Set

2098 KB


52 wallpaper

52 wallpaper
jpg | 1600x1200 | 17.9 MB

Burn4Free CDDVD Copy v2.8.0.0

It was updated Burn4Free - very simple in use, but powerful enough program for record of CD/DVD-disks. The utility is integrated in Windows Explorer. The set of formats of data recording on (CD and DVD) and audio-disks from files of various types is supported (WAV, WMA, MP3, MP2, MP1 OGG and CDA). Can work with huge quantity of drives, supports DVD Dual Layer, is able to keep and write down .ISO files, etc. Adjustment Burn4Free very simple and does not differ from other similar programs.

Size: 3.81 MB

Photo to Color Sketch v2.5

It's easy to make sketch from photo. Convert your photo (jpg or bmp format) into color sketch, pen-and-ink, black and white sketch. Now, your photo become fine line art, even indistinguishable from an artist work.
Creation of artistic looking hand-drawings derived from photos. The usage is very easy. And, you can combine two or more buttons to make more excellent pictures.

alt Size:~719 KB

My Free Mahjong 3.1

My Free Mahjong screenshot
Congratulations on choosing My Free Mahjong! It is a traditional Chinese game for centuries, Mahjong combines elements of skill, strategy, memory, and intuition into a challenging game of patience. This is a single-player 3D version of a classic favorite. My Free Mahjong breaks into reality - it becomes truly 3D. Now you can see the board from any point. Making a new tileset is really simple - just make tile images and pack them with any .ZIP utility. New algorithm generates millions of completely different boards. My Free Mahjong supports English, German and French interface language. Download My Free Mahjong and Play for Free!

Visit homepage of My Free Mahjong

Download My Free Mahjong 3.1

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