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DriverMax 4.6

DriverMax is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on the web or inserting one installation CD after the other. Just create a free account, log in, and start downloading the updates that you need. You can also export all your current drivers (or just the ones that work ok) to a folder or a compressed file. After reinstalling Windows you will have everything in one place!

Most of the situations when Windows is running slower are caused by faulty driver installations. Windows stores all versions of older drivers just in case you want to go back; sometimes it messes up older versions with more recent ones. The Export Wizard will only export the drivers you select by copying the needed files to a folder or a compressed ZIP file.

After reinstalling Windows all drivers will be back in place in less than 5 minutes - sparing you of searching, inserting disc after disk and losing precious time. The Import Drivers wizard allows you to install all the drivers that you exported earlier. The entire operation might take up to 5-10 minutes.

Just one single computer restart will be required after all drivers are reinstalled!

DriverMax is able to display a complete report of all drivers (versions, release dates) installed on your system. This feature can also be very useful when you want to analyze the differences between the drivers installed on different machines.

Drivers are used for interfacing with:
* Printers
* Video adapters
* Network cards
* Sound cards
* Local buses of various sorts - in particular, for bus mastering on modern systems
* Low-bandwidth I/O buses of various sorts (for pointing devices such as mice, keyboards, USB, etc.)
* computer storage devices such as hard disk, CD-ROM and floppy disk buses (ATA, SATA, SCSI)
* Implementing support for different file systems
* Implementing support for image scanners and digital cameras

Choosing and installing the correct device drivers for given hardware is often a key component of computer system configuration.

DriverMax only works on Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows 2003 (all service packs). Driver downloads are *only* available for Windows Vista and Windows XP users.


download DriverMax 4.6 (Size: 2.91 MB)

Error Repair Professional 3.8.7

"95% of All PCs Have Hidden Errors on Them! Let Us Scan Your PC and Discover How Many Errors Are Lurking Inside It..."
"Eliminate Them Instantly and Have The Peace Of Mind Knowing Your PC is Automatically Kept Error Free, 24 Hours A Day!"
Keep your PC operating smoothly by using Error Repair Professional to scan, identify, clean and repair errors in your PC with a single click. With a few easy steps, it will scan your entire registry for any invalid entries and provides a list of the registry errors found. You can then choose to selectively clean each item or automatically repair them all.

Error Repair Professional ia registry cleaner that uses high-performance error identification algorithms to quickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. It will safely clean and repair Windows registry problems with a few simple clicks and enable you to enjoy a cleaner and more efficient PC. Error Repair Professional will guarantee that you eliminate errors in the nerve center of your PC.

Windows Registry is the nerve center of your PC and problems with the Windows Registry are a common cause of Windows crashes and error messages. These problems can occur for many reasons including uninstalling software with poor un-installation routines, by missing or corrupt hardware drivers, improperly deleting files and orphaned startup programs. By using Error Repair Professional regularly to fix error in Windows registry, your system should not only be more stable but it will also help Windows boot faster.

The Windows registry is a database which stores settings and options for the operating system for Microsoft Windows 32-bit versions, 64-bit versions. It contains information and settings for all the hardware, software, users, and preferences of the PC. Whenever a user makes changes to "Control Panel" settings, or file associations, system policies, or installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in the registry.


download Error Repair Professional 3.8.7 (Size: 1.26 MB)

download Fix

Folder Lock Ver.6.0.5

Folder Lock creates encrypted storages called 'Lockers'. You can keep as many of your private files & folders in your Locker and password protect it with a single click. You can transfer, secure and backup these Lockers. Lockers are portable, you can keep them in USB Flash Drives, CD/DVD (R-RW), & notebooks or transfer them via email or upload. Lockers are even undeletable on the computer where Folder Lock is installed.

You can treat Lockers just as you would treat them in physical world. Each user can have their own Lockers. However, a single user can create multiple Lockers with different passwords as well. With Folder Lock, you can choose either to encrypt using 256-bit AES on-the-fly encryption or lock files, folders and drives anywhere on your computer. Each Locker can contain your encrypted files as well as your personal list of locked items.

Furthermore, Folder Lock's options like hack attempt monitoring, stealth mode, data shredding, history cleaning & auto protection can enhance data security beyond anything ever achieved. In addition, a locker's delete, move and rename are password protected to prevent data loss.

Folder Lock is Windows Vista / 2003 / XP / 2000 compatible and is the most downloaded File Security program in the market today.

download Folder Lock Ver.6.0.5

gBurner v2.4 Portable

gBurner is a powerful and easy-to-use CD/DVD burning tool, which allows you to create and burn data/audio CDs and DVDs, make bootable data CDs and DVDs, create multisession discs. Moreover, this software can be used as a disc image file processing tool, therefore it will allow you to create, extract, open, edit, convert or burn ISO/BIN image files.

download gBurner v2.4 Portable

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0.2 Portable

Dreamweaver has always been one of my favorite web editors ... till Adobe took over Macromedia and integrated Macromedia products with other Adobe software.
Nowadays, installing a single Adobe CS3/CS4 product would result in the installation of 'Adobe share components' we don't really care about. These components are only usefull for those who need complementarity between 2 or more Adobe CS3/CS4 products. I wouldn't imagine Adobe pushing us to install (buy) more than one of its products ...

For my day to day work, i use a portable version of the good old Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0.2. It was prepared with VMWare ThinApp (formerly Thinstall) and includes all of the program's features (including the Extension Manager). It's light (only 86 MB unpacked), it's fast and efficient, and it doesn't require lots of memory.
Just download, extract to the directory of your choice and off you go !

download Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0.2 Portable (Size: 79 MB)

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.29

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is an anti-malware application that can thoroughly remove even the most advanced malware. It includes a number of features, including a built in protection monitor that blocks malicious processes before they even start.
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware monitors every process and stops malicious processes before they even start. The Realtime Protection Module uses our advanced heuristic scanning technology which monitors your system to keep it safe and secure. In addition, we have implemented a threats center which will allow you to keep up to date with the latest malware threats.

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is considered to be the next step in the detection and removal of malware. We compiled a number of new technologies that are designed to quickly detect, destroy, and prevent malware. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware can detect and remove malware that even the most well-known Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware applications on the market today cannot.

Key Features:
* Support for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista.
* Light speed quick scanning.
* Ability to perform full scans for all drives.
* Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Protection Module. (requires registration)
* Database updates released daily.
* Quarantine to hold threats and restore them at your convenience.
* Ignore list for both the scanner and Protection Module.
* Settings to enhance your Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware performance.
* A small list of extra utilities to help remove malware manually.
* Multi-lingual support.
* Works together with other anti-malware utilities.
* Command line support for quick scanning.
* Context menu integration to scan files on demand.


download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.29 (Size: 2.24 MB)

mIRC 6.35

mIRC is a popular Internet Relay Chat client used by millions of people, and thousands of organizations, to communicate, share, play and work with each other on IRC networks around the world. Serving the Internet community for over a decade, mIRC has evolved into a powerful, reliable and fun piece of technology.

mIRC is a full featured Internet Relay Chat client for Windows that can be used to communicate, share, play or work with others on IRC networks around the world, either in multi-user group conferences or in one-to-one private discussions. It has a clean, practical interface that is highly configurable and supports features such as buddy lists, file transfers, multi-server connections, SSL encryption, proxy support, UTF-8 display, customizable sounds, spoken messages, tray notifications, message logging, and more.

mIRC also has a powerful scripting language that can be used both to automate mIRC and to create applications that perform a wide range of functions from network communications to playing games.

mIRC 6.35 has been released! (October 17th 2008)
This version of mIRC is primarily a security release. mIRC users are advised to upgrade due to a security issue related to the use of very long nicknames on non-standard servers.
Several other small issues have also been fixed in this release.
Although this is a minor update, it includes important changes and all users are advised to upgrade.


download mIRC 6.35 (Size: 1.66 MB)

download Fix

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