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EarthDesk 3.5 AiO

Daha Önce verdiğimiz earthdesk masaüstünüzde hareketli anlık dünya görüntüerini arkaplan yapmanızı sağlayarak farklı bir masaüstüne sahip olmanızı sağlıyor.

EarthDesk is a software application for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X that changes the computer user’s desktop image to a constantly updating view of Earth. The software can be set to update daylight and moonlight coverage on the map, as well as live cloud images which are superimposed onto the map. The cloud option requires an Internet connection.

The map is fully customisable. Users can choose between various map projections, whether to use a satellite image or political map, and whether to show night time and moonlight. The map can be centered and zoomed up to 400% anywhere on Earth. In addition to centering on a fixed point, EarthDesk can centre on the current position of the Moon or Sun. EarthDesk supports multiple monitors.

QuickTime Pro 7.1.5 is included, because QuickTime is needed for EarthDesk to run.

EarthDesk 3.5 AiO indir

Alize Cantando y bailando

SRS Audio Sandbox v1.5.1

İşte Dolby laboratories'in rakibi SRS'nin son bombası.
Srs audio sandbox ses kartınızın yazılımına entegre olarak çalışıyor.
Sahip olduğu özellikleri ise mükemmel..!
seste kalite arıyosanız kesinlikle kurmalısınız.
film izlerken müzik dinlerken yada oyun oynarken inanılmaz ses deneyimine hazır olun.
1.SRS Headphone 360( sadece kulaklıktan 3d 5.1 akustik ses dinleme imkanı)
2.SRS TruSurround XT® (stereo hoparlorden 3d 5.1 akustik ses dinleme imkanı)

* SRS® 3D
* SRS TruBass®
* SRS Circle Surround II®

SRS Audio Sandbox is a useful and reliable audio enhancement software for your PC.

SRS Audio Sandbox features: sleek interface design with energized light pulses, surround sound-even from 2 speakers, using SRS Labs audio enhancement technology.

Enjoy deep & rich bass-even from smaller speakers.

Choose from many cool presets for all your music, videos, and games. The program includes custom settings for 2 or more speakers, or headphones and compact mini mode setting to give you more desktop space.

SRS Audio Sandbox v1.5.1 indir | download

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Formulas

Excel 2007 Formulas
John Walkenbach
ISBN: 978-0-470-04402-5
804 pages
February 2007
CHM format.


Adobe Photoshop CS2 Studio Techniques

CHM | 592 pages | 39.84 MB | English

If you're ready to go from blindly following step-by-step instructions to "Aha, I finally GET Photoshop!" this is the place to start. In these pages, world renowned Photoshop instructor and best-selling author Ben Willmore writes in his signature style–intuitive, crystal clear, and in-depth–helping you gain the deep understanding needed to master Photoshop's most essential features. Complex concepts like Curves and Channels are broken down into easy to digest metaphors and descriptions, and features new to Photoshop CS2–such as Bridge, Smart Objects, the revamped Layers Palette and Camera Raw dialog box, as well as the awesome new Warping and Vanishing Point features–are all covered in the depth they deserve, making it possible to quickly adapt them into your daily workflow. Whether you’re a photographer, designer, production artist or hobbyist, the knowledge you gain in this book can dramatically change the way you think about Photoshop.

Password : marczes


Password : marczes

futbolcu karikatürleri

avrupadan ünlü futbolcuların karikatürleri
2447 KB
18 resim

futbolcu karikatürleri indir

natura pictures HQ

1 adt 3872x2592
1 adt 2576x1932
1 adt 2560x1920
1 adt 2560x1600
1 adt 2009x1436
1 adt 1920x1200
1 adt 1600x1200
20 adt 1280x1024
1 adt 1024x731
1 adt 1024x683
toplam 30 adet resim
15018 KB

natura pictures HQ indir

Xp Tema Turuncu - Xp Theme Orange

Xp Tema Turuncu - Xp Theme Orange

Xp Tema Turuncu - Xp Theme Orange indir

Auto Mail Sender v3.10

Auto Mail Sender (AMS) is used to send emails automatically at anytime and any frequency as you expect, it satisfies all your emails' sending requirements. You can set automatic sending time yearly, monthly, weekly, daily and even specific date and time. AMS provides all the traditional mail elements/functions and some distinctive elements/functions such as sending mail via the proxy server, WYSIWYG HTML mail editor, read receipt receiver, senders/reply receivers list, virtual sender/reply receiver/sending time, selecting receivers from the txt/csv/xls files and the Outlook Express address book, saving recipients to txt/csv/xls files, sending emails one by one, and so on. You can inform yourself or others, submit work logs or documents, and send the routine business emails, surely, make ads and greet your family members or friends at their important day (for instance: birthday) through use of AMS.

Auto Mail Sender v3.10 indir

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