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The Ten Deadliest Creature


This pint sized frog are not for kissing. Their backs ooze
a slimy neurotoxin that is meant to keep predators away.
Each frog produces enough of the toxin to kill 10 humans.


When faced with a predator, cape buffalos charge head-on.
That is 1500 pounds beast topped off with two big sharp
horns. You’re lucky if there is only one - the real danger
comes when a herd of thousands stampedes in your direction.


Sure they might look cuddly at the zoo but in the wild they
eat elephant seals for breakfast. Get between one of its cubs
and it could easily rip off your head with one swipe of its
giant paws.


Not every elephant is as friendly as dumbo. Elephants kills
more than 500 peoples a year worldwide. Arfican elephants
generally weight in around 16,000 pounds - all the better
to stomp you with, not to mention their sharp tusks.


Don’t mistake this croc for a log !!. It can lay still in the water
waiting for passers by. Then, in a blink of an eye it will lunge
at prey, pulling it underwater to drown and dismember.


Giant fangs? Check.. Lightning quick? That too. Razor sharp
claws? You betcha. Hungry? You better hope not. These big
cats are near perfect hunters.


Blood in the water can excite this shark into feeding frenzy
where they will use all 3,000 of their teeths to bite
anything that moves.


Also known as the sea wasps, this salad-bowl sized jellyfish
can have up to 60 tentacles each measuring 15 feets long.
Each tentacles has 5,000 stinging cells and enough toxin
to kill 60 humans.


While the Asian Cobra doesn’t hold the title of venomous, it
does the most with what it has. Of the 50,000 deaths by
snakebite a year, Asian Cobra are responsible for the
largest chunk.


Most skeeters bites just make you itchy. But some mosquitoes
carry and transfer malaria causing parasites. As a results, this
little pests are responsible for the deaths of more than two
million peoples a year.

So the WINNER is Mosquito !!

Thought of the day - Unfortunate ones

I received this e-mail from a good friend from S’pore.
This e-mail made me realised that my friend just
blogged a similar post which said that we should
appreciate what we own…

Lets us not forget the unfortunate. Some of this pictures
might bother you.

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